Study on the go with the EF English Live App.

Study with our award-winning online school 24/7, wherever you are.

As an EF English Live learner, you will have unlimited access to our learning app so you can study English anytime, anywhere.

Live classes and learning activities, all in one core app.

The EF English Live App is a teaching tool that makes it easier than ever to learn English quickly. With 24/7 access to private and group classes with native teachers, you'll have expert guidance and personalized feedback.

Plus, you can study at your own pace with our multimedia platform and +2,000 hours of self-study materials available on any device.

Additional Apps and Tools


Flashcards is aligned with your course so that you can review and practice words that you have learned.

Grammar lab

Review key English grammar points and complete activities to test your understanding.

Assessment test

Complete the 20-minute assessment test to find out your current level of English.


Test your writing and listening skills and receive an international certificate.

Just in case you missed something...

Here are some frequently asked questions about our app.