Originally envisioned with Apple and supported by Cambridge University in 1996, EF English Live has converted the idea of experiential language learning into Efekta Hyperclass™. Start speaking from day one with real-life scenarios and interactive roleplaying to build your speaking confidence for work, abroad, or wherever English takes you.
English courses on Black Friday
Our Black Friday offer is over for now... But in 2024 we'll have new offers and exclusive discounts for you to boost your English online!
20 million
Learners taught
2 million
Classes per year
59 years
Of teaching experience
Teacher rating
(Learners rate teachers after every class)
Sign up to learn more about our plans and prices:
Start learning in three simple steps
Psst… Curious about your English Level? Take our free and internationally recognized EF SET test to get an accurate assessment of your current English level.
And what makes us different? A proven and perfected way of teaching English. Since 1965.
Our Efekta Method™ works because...
The best way to learn a language is to speak, speak and speak
Our Efekta Hyperclass™ and self-study exercises fit into your busy life
Combine 1:1 live classes with our Efekta Teachers™, interactive group classes with fellow learners, and access to +2,000 hours of vocabulary quizzes, reading exercises, grammar games and more. With teachers in every time zone, you can book classes at all hours of the day – on any device.
We have over 3,000 certified and trained Efekta Teachers™ in every time zone
A great teacher is irreplaceable. Your Efekta Teacher™ will mentor you, discuss your learning challenges, and answer all your questions.
AI Technology that gets you speaking better English faster
In Efekta Hyperclass™, your teacher works together with AI to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Giving you hyper-personalized feedback in real-time to accelerate your progress.
Learn, try and apply with a method created by specialists
As part of Education First, our Efekta Method™ has been developed over 59 years by a team of researchers. It does not matter if this is your first time studying English, or if you have been learning for a while: our classes are tailored to your needs.
We offer a Satisfaction Guarantee, because we know our method works.
A One-of-A-Kind Satisfaction Guarantee
We are proud to have developed the most effective and innovative way to learn English online. Our scientific teaching method works, just ask one of the 20 million people who have successfully learned English with us.
Complete at least one teacher-led class (private or group) and one self-study module every week. If you are not satisfied with your learning after your first 12 weeks, you can cancel within one month and get your money back. We call it ‘The Satisfaction Guarantee’ and we are the only online English school to offer it.
Trusted by the world’s leading organizations
Let’s see what is included in your course
How much does it cost to learn English with us?
A personalized course with a personalized price. For you to have the best experience with our school we need to understand your requirements before we can calculate the price. Talk to one of our language specialists today and they will put together the perfect study plan for you, based on your English level and how many hours a day you can dedicate to improve your skills.
Fill in the form above to calculate your price now.