How to get your dream job
Tips on how to land the career of your dreams, now!
So, you’ve identified your dream job and are eager to secure it. But what happens next? It can be easy to feel overwhelmed, especially if the job you have in mind differs significantly from your current role. Here are a few tips to help you get started on the path to your dream job straight away.
Set priorities
One of the main factors that sets those who achieve their dream job apart from those who simply carry on dreaming is priorities. High achievers define what they want to achieve – and when – and create a list of steps towards their goal. Here’s how:
Be specific – The more specific you are, the more likely you are to achieve what you set out to do. For example, rather than simply setting your sights on working in a particular industry, choose the role you want.
Prioritise – Divide your main goal into smaller steps and prioritise them. Work out what needs to happen first and work on that before moving to the next step.
Set deadlines – Work out when you would like to achieve each step along the way to your goal. Review your progress over time to ensure you have an accurate overview of where you are.
Be realistic – Make sure you assess your goals and timelines against external data to ensure they are realistic. Tools like our Earning Calculator are a great way of doing this.
Choose a role model
Having a role model will help give your aims and ambitions solidity. After all, if someone else has achieved what you want, why shouldn’t you? Role models can also be useful at times when you are not sure what to do next, as you can use their path to success as an inspiration for your own.
When choosing a role model, it’s worth choosing someone who has:
Achieved what you want to do
Had a similar starting point
Try to learn as much as you can about:
The educational choices they made
The changes they made to achieve their goals
Their attitude to failure, success and achievement
How they dealt with adversity
These are all things you can learn from to help keep you on the path to achieving your own goals.
Learn a different language
It might not seem like the most obvious business skill, but learning a new language amplifies your appeal by widening the pool of jobs for which you are suitable and opening up opportunities for an international career. Top of the list of languages to learn is English, the preferred business language for many companies around the world, and one that will help propel you to the top of the candidate list. EF English Live offers a range of business English courses for professionals looking to gain that extra edge.
Dedicate time to your passion
Another source of setbacks for many professionals is a lack of time. If you really want to achieve your dream job you will have to find the time. Whether it’s a spare evening for a business English class, study time for professional development courses or time to apply for new jobs, you may have to temporarily shift other things out of your schedule to find the time you need.
Talk to others with similar goals
Develop friendships with people who have similar career goals to yours. As well as providing support and encouragement, they may have ideas and techniques you may not have thought of on your own. What’s more, once you all achieve your goals, you will already have a strong, ready-made professional network in place.
Don’t stop trying
Remember that things don’t always go precisely according to plan and be prepared for setbacks. Having a timeline in place and adjusting it when necessary will help you, as will having a network of supportive friends to discuss any disappointments and share successes with.