Frases útiles para pedir un taxi en inglés

¿Sabes cómo pedir un taxi en inglés o pedir al personal del hotel que te organice uno?
Primero lo primero… piensa cómo comenzarás tu petición:
– Hello
– Good morning
– Good afternoon
– Good evening
Llamando por teléfono a un taxi
– May I have a taxi at X?
– Could you send a taxi to X?
– I’d like to order a taxi
– Could I book a taxi?
– I’d like a taxi immediately/as soon as possible please.
Verificando dónde se encuentra el taxi
Tu taxi no ha llegado a tiempo, así es que necesitas averiguar por qué:
– Hello, my name is Mr. Smith. I ordered a taxi for 8p.m. at XYZ Street. It’s 8:15 now. Could you check what has happened please?
– Can you make sure one arrives as soon as possible?
En el hotel
Te estás quedando en un hotel y te gustaría pedirle a un empleado del hotel que te organice un taxi. Le preguntas a la recepcionista:
– Could you organize a taxi for me for this evening please? I need to be picked up at 7 p.m. to go out for a business dinner.
– Could you book a taxi to take me to the train station tomorrow morning please? I need to be at the station at 8:30a.m. What time do you think should I leave?
Le preguntas al portero
– Excuse me, could you hail a taxi for me please?
– Excuse me, I need a taxi please.
– Excuse me, could you get a taxi for me please?
Te gustaría saber con anticipación cuánto es probable que cueste el taxi
– How much is the typical taxi fare to the airport/train station/city centre etc?
En el taxi
Le necesitas decir al chofer dónde quieres ir:
– Could you take me to The Irish Pub on 123 XYZ Street please?
Le necesitas decir al chofer que tienes prisa:
– I’m really in a hurry, so can you take the quickest route please?
En los Estados Unidos, una frase informal para hacer que el chofer se apresure/conduzca rápidamente:
– Please step on it!
No estás seguro si estás en el domicilio adecuado:
– Are you sure this is 123 XYZ Street? I can’t see The Irish Pub.
Necesitas saber cuánto vas a pagar:
– How much is the fare please?
– How much do I owe you?
Sientes que el servicio fue bueno y le quieres dar una propina al chofer del taxi:
– Keep the change.
Luego, si el chofer te agradece:
– You’re welcome.
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