Do you have an important meeting coming up where you will have to speak in English? Or are traveling to an English-speaking country next month? People often want to learn a language for a specific occasion or situation. But can you learn English in just 15 days?
Well, the short answer is no. Achieving real fluency takes a lot longer than just a couple of weeks. But the good news is that there are ways you can learn English more quickly. Keep reading to find out more...
Although you cannot learn to speak English fluently in two weeks, there are lots of ways you can speed up your learning and achieve a basic level of English. Try out these tips for learning English!
If you have a particular goal for learning English, that is great! Having a set goal or motivation will really help you in your language learning journey. When you have decided on your goal, you can work out how much time you have available to learn each day or week.
Learning English is one thing, but speaking it is another. True fluency in a language can only be achieved by speaking it. Start speaking from day one by making a spoken word list.
A spoken word list is a list of useful words and phrases commonly used in everyday conversations. It will help you kickstart your English journey. Examples of words and expressions to include are:
Greetings: ‘Hi!’, ‘Good morning!’
Introductions: ‘My name is’, ‘I am from’, ‘Nice to meet you’
Asking for information: ‘Where is...?’, ‘What is this called?’
Opinions: ‘I think’, ‘I do not like’, ‘I agree’
This is much more effective than learning lists of random words, as you will start to build connections between sentences. You can then start to add colloquial expressions and idioms. The more English you learn, the more you can build your spoken word list.
If you surround yourself with English, you are likely to learn more quickly. But we do not just mean learning every day. Listening to music, the radio, or podcasts in English and watching English movies or TV programs will all get your ears used to hearing spoken English. Although at first it might not make much sense, over time you will adjust and start to pick things up.
Language learning takes commitment. If you want to learn English quickly, you must be prepared to commit and dedicate time every day to learning. The amount of time you spend learning will depend on both your lifestyle and your learning style, but you can easily adjust your study time depending on how quickly you want to learn.
There is no point trying to learn English quickly if you do not know when you are making mistakes. If you have English-speaking friends, ask them if they can listen to you reading – or even practice some simple conversations with you. This can have a significant effect on your English pronunciation and your confidence. If you are doing an online language course, your teacher will provide regular feedback to help you conquer your mistakes and improve faster.
Life is busy! We have to balance work with time with family and friends and find time to relax and have fun, too. Sometimes it seems like there is no time to learn English. Luckily, there are ways to learn more quickly, like the methods we have just mentioned. But if you can find the time, the best way to learn a language is through consistent learning. Here are four easy ways to find more time to learn English:
Learning a new language from scratch is certainly a challenge. But it is really about making small changes until you get used to it. For example, you might start by learning one new word every day. Then, you could build up to learning five. After a few months, you could try a familiar book or TV series in English. As you become more fluent, you can make other changes, such as changing your phone language into English. In this way, you will not even realize how fast you are progressing!
There are opportunities to learn all around us, we just need to identify the ones that work for us. For example, if you love cooking, could you start following recipes in English? Or if you have a long commute each day, could you use that time to listen to an English podcast or audiobook? If your colleagues are native English speakers, you could ask them to help you practice by having a conversation once a week. Be brave and explore all the opportunities that come your way. They could be the ticket to your success.
Learning to speak English online is one of the resources for learning. EF English Live offers a variety of courses to suit different needs, including Business English and General English. Learn by speaking in private classes with our amazing teachers or meet fellow learners from around the world in group classes. Plus, you can use our self-study materials on any device, anywhere, in your own time. If you are not sure what level you are, take our EF SET test to get started quickly.
The more fun you have, the easier it is to learn. Making language learning fun is a vital part of becoming fluent in English. In addition to studying vocabulary and grammar or reading a textbook, playing games, singing, acting, and creative writing are all valid learning methods. All you have to do is focus on the method that works best for you. If you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will lose motivation and are more likely to give up.
We hope this article has given you some tips for how you can learn some English in 15 days – and some ideas for how to take it more slowly. Remember that all the hours and commitment you put into your learning will reward you in the end. If you are feeling demotivated or are finding it hard to make time to learn, get in touch. We are always here to help.